Sunday, July 4, 2010

What Social Channels Do I Need to Be On?

Facebook, LinkedIn, Vimeo, Slideshare, Twitter, etc.... the list of social media channels you or your company can participate in goes on endlessly. So if you are an established business, start-up, or individual entrepreneur, how do you know where you need a presence?

Simple answer: There's no simple answer. Each one of these channels has features that cater to specific audiences. Some of them even frown upon signing up as a business. But while it's impossible to try to maintain an active presence in more than 3-7 places, there are a few good reasons for owning your brand name on as many pieces of online real estate as possible. First, there's the SEO benefit of owning the url's of your brand name. But even more importantly, it's a good way to defend yourself against nefarious people or unhappy customers who want to develop their own "presence" on one of these channels. Another thing to remember is the power of joining forums in your industry. Getting your brand name, or your CEO's name, known as a thought leader in the places you are already reading, is a strong way to build influence.

As a social marketing consultancy, it's important for us to test just about everything out. So we probably have a broader presence than a normal person or company needs. But we need to understand what channels work best for retailers, organizations, charities, authors, B2B companies and more.

Now, this process can become pretty unwieldy, so we like using DandyID to keep track of everything for us. In addition to consolidating all of our presences in one place, it also has some pretty nifty widgets if you want to install your list directly into other channels.

So, we of course have a robust presence on LinkedIn:

But here are a few other places we've been setting up and testing lately. Not all of them have content yet. Keep up with our DandyID spot to follow where we add more channels.

Let us know what else you think we should be testing, and we'll give it a whirl.

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